task Adaptr API for Higher Logic Integration


Finished and deployed the Adaptr API that allows for easy integration of the Higher Logic community platform with the National WIC Association's website. The RESTful API provides a seamless single sign-on experience for all of NWA's  website users so that they can move fluidly between their personal accounts/dashboards on nwica.org and the third party Higher Logic system. Additional methods allow the Higher Logic system to synch their database with the most up to date member data.

The new Adaptr API builds on the Adaptr content and association management system that was developed for NWICA in 2013 as a replacement for their Drupal-based website and Avectra-based member manangement system. With the new integrated CMS/AMS, NWA can manage all of their website content, their members (individuals and agencies), events, payments, and more. Read the case study for additional information.