is a financial and debt services company based in France. The project involved converting their existing Flash-based website to an html- and css-based site without changing the site's design or functionality. The final product is a replica of their original site — now with an improved content-management system, greater optimization for search engines, and compatibility with mobile devices such as the iPhone and iPad.
Financial Services Company
Audience & Topics
Financial Industry, Businesses, Creditors
February 2012
* The work presented in this case study was performed in collaboration with Lecoanet Design, the designer of the original Flash-based website.
Rapid Design and Development
The conversion process — changing all of the flash elements to standard html, css and images — was completed in less than two business days.
Fast Page Loads
The site's code is optimized to provide fast page loads. The end result is a fast loading site that earns an "A" grade on Yahoo's YSlow performance analyzer.
The site's content management system allows for easy management and customization of all three versions of the site: French, English, and Spanish.

Content Management
The website is powered by the CMSense content management system, a lightweight and highly flexible CMS, that allows for easy editing of 99% of the site's content without developer assistance.